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oleh :
Nama : Rudini
Nim : 1910951037
Dosen Pengampu :
Refrensi :
- Darwison,2010,”TEORI,SIMULASI DAN APLIKASI ELEKTRONIKA”,Jilid 1,ISBN: 978-602-9081-10-7, CV Ferila.
- Darwison,2010,”TEORI,SIMULASI DAN APLIKASI ELEKTRONIKA”,Jilid 2,ISBN: 978-602-9081-10-8, CV Ferila.
- Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,Pearson,2013.
- Jimmie J. Cathey, Theory and Problems of Electronic Device and Circuit, McGraw Hill,2002.
- Keith Brindley, Starting Electronics, Newness 3rd Edition, 2005.
- Ian R. Sinclair and John Dunton, Practical Electronics Handbook, Newness, 2007.
- John M. Hughes, Practical Electronics: Components and Techniques, O’Reilly Media, 2016.
Jurusan Teknik Elektro
Fakultas Teknik
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